Occupation: Founder, Editor-In Chief
Location: Longest Island, Newest York
Favorite genre: RPGs, fighting games
Favorite games: Any version of Pokemon, Final
Fantasy Tactics, Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Likes: Steak, Nerf, Star Wars, judo, weightlifting, sleeping late, being married.
Fun fact: Able to beat the original Resident Evil in 90 minutes or less.
Digital Life Content's Founder and Editor-In-Chief John De Large has been providing game-related coverage since 2008. Once dubbed "Freelancer Extraordinaire," by Telltale Games' Job Stauffer, JDL did everything he could to live up to that title. After taking an extended break from writing, JDL is back and ready to reclaim the title given to him so long ago. When he's not writing, gaming or working, JDL is usually in the weight room or eating copious amounts of food.
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